One Month

In one month, you have turned our world upside down. This one month has been the happiest, most difficult, emotional, tiring, and sweetest experience. I can't even imagine what this month has been like for you.

You have shown us so much more of who you are than we ever could have discovered through videos, pictures, and monthly updates.

You are unique and special, and there are many days that we are still in awe that you are home.

You are funny and silly, but try to keep it cool around most people. We were always told you were very serious, so we feel quite special to see you laughing, relaxing, and just enjoying yourself.

You are so very brave. You have been thrown into this new place that is completely different from everything that is familiar to you. Your curiosity has opened lots of new doors literally and figuratively. You have discovered so many new and exciting things this month. You have given experiences second chances when you were afraid the first time, and you have sometimes done things that you could tell you weren't 100% sure about.

You are so incredibly smart. You have conquered the English alphabet and can identify every letter. Anywhere we go, you are pointing out letters. Your vocabulary is growing each day. You constantly surprise me with new words you have picked up from previous days. You love to see how things work and have figured out so many new gadgets and things around the house.

I can't list all the new things because everything is sooo new.

Here are the places you have visited:
- Target
- Costco on sample day ( that matters)
- Multiple parks and splash pads
- Church
- Mama and Papa's house
- The neighbor's house ( because our A/C went out and we had to cool off for a little bit)
- Library
- The doctor's office (in 1 percentile for height and 11 for weight)
- MOD Pizza
- McAllister's
- FroYo

Things you enjoy (once again can't name them all):
- Playing in the pool especially with Gemma
- Walks around the neighborhood
- Riding your scooter or your fire truck
- Sitting in the car and pretending to drive
- Reading books before bed
- Puzzles
- Turning on every light switch you see
- Painting
- Playing with shaving cream
- Brushing your teeth
- Taking baths
- Singing and saying the alphabet
- Praying before meals and bed
- Facetiming friends and family
- Anything with cars, trucks, tractors

- You love to dip anything so you are a fan of BBQ sauce, ranch, marinara, and polynesian sauce
- You like hummus
- HATE yogurt of any kind
- getting used to cold drinks and milk
- You are obsessed with bananas and mangoes. They are your comfort foods for sure.
- You are a lover of carbs especially bread. Banana Carrot is your favorite. You prefer wheat over    
- Oatmeal, eggs, rice, mashed potatoes, and soups are foods we can always fall back on if you hate
   what we have for a meal.
- You are not a big veggie eater, so we are sneaking them into foods as much as we can
- You have been banned from fruit snacks because they are like a drug to you and you obsess over
   them, so maybe in a few months you can have a pack every now and then.

You are totally a momma's boy, but you also love your daddy. You hate when he leaves for work and ask about him several times throughout the day. You are always happy when he is home. You love playing drums and wrestling with daddy. At times, I think I may annoy you with how much I kiss you and squeeze you, but you should just get used to it.

I can't possibly sum up this past month in words. Some days I feel like we have come so far, and other days I feel like I am not doing a good enough job. We are so honored to have you as our son. We pray that we can be the mommy and daddy you need. Please know we are doing our best even though sometimes it isn't a very great job. We love you, and can't wait to experience so much more with you.


  1. Love! You are all blessed. Can't wait to meet him.

  2. So real...I love it! Y'all are doing an amazing job. You can just tell from the smile on Zane's face. Love you!


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