Two Months Home- 18 August 2017

Where has this month gone? This month has been huge, and we are so proud of all the progress you have made.

You have conquered all your colors thanks to our daily multiple walks around the neighborhood. You point at cars and trucks and tell us their colors. You can even tell us the cars that should be there when they are gone. You are so observant to the world around you, and you soak up all the new information and experiences like a little sponge. 

Daily you impress me with new vocabulary. Some are words we have intentionally tried to teach you while others you have just picked up on your own. You get very frustrated when we can't understand you, and you do such an amazing job trying to let us know what you need, want, or just want to share with us. We ask you to use your words (Amharic or English) because last month you liked to point and whine. Now you are using words like crazy, and we hate when we can't get what you are saying. I would love for you to keep your sweet accent, but I have a feeling it will fade. You like to say KaChow which is what Lightning McQueen says. The other night at dinner we started counting all your English words, and we stopped at 100! That is pretty incredible! 

You have started learning shapes, and point out circles everywhere!

This month your love for music has become very apparent. You learned how to work the radio in the living room, and turn it on every morning. You love fast upbeat songs and songs where the bass is bumpin. You point out drumming parts and remind me that Daddy plays drums. Not only do you like to listen to music, but you like to dance. You are a natural dancer. We are hoping some of your dance moves rub off on Gemma. Haha! Auntie and I have taught you lots of songs (some are already getting old). You like to Facetime with her and have her do the Wheels on the Bus and Itsy Bitsy Spider.  One of your favorites is Baby Shark; I love watching you do the swimming part! 

My favorite part from this month is how much more affectionate you have become. This has been one of my biggest prayers that you would continue to bond and attach to us.  We have been trying so hard to love you where you are at, and at times this month it has been difficult. As you have become more trusting of us, you have also let us see your frustration and grief. We have been working on ways to safely express those very real feelings, and you have come so far in just a few weeks.You make great eye contact with us now which is something difficult to do if you don't trust a person. You love to kiss and hug us. You also think it is funny to act like you are going to kiss me and kiss the air. You know two phrases. We taught you "I need help" but you now say "I need hug" Sometimes you will say I need daddy hug" or "I need mommy hug". You know the words "happy", "sad", and "angry", and can even act them out, but haven't gotten to the point where you can tell us how you are feeling yet. 

Your personality has definitely started to shine this month! We love seeing you and your silly side. You love to make jokes and act crazy. Most people who have met you have asked us if you are always so shy and quiet, and you are very quiet around new people ( and we are totally okay with that!), but we are so happy to see you becoming comfortable enough to be silly and crazy around us. 

This month you met more family members and lots of Mommy and Daddy's friends. You visited all sorts of new places, and tried so many new things. It is impossible for us to name them all. 

We visited the FACES clinic at Cardinal Glennon yesterday, and unfortunately (but fortunately, we went) you will be starting Month 3 on some pretty strong medicines. We have to kick some things that traveled home with you from Ethiopia. If you are reading this and have met Zane, don't panic you are fine! 

Although I am extremely tired and I don't feel like I have it all together most days, I am so grateful to get to mother you. You inspire me. I am so excited for what this next month will bring! 



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