Grant Writing

Today, Jeffrey and I submitted the online portion of an adoption grant. We are hoping that the letter we need from our adoption agency will be in the mail today, so we can mail out the paper portion of the grant.

We know that God is going to provide for this adoption, but we also know that we must be active and do everything we can to help the cause. ShowHope is an organization that gives out grants to families who are in the middle of the adoption process. We had to wait till all our paperwork (homestudy) was finalized, and we have to apply before we are matched with a child. There are several deadlines for the grant, but we thought we would write the grant over the summer since I have a little more time. You can only apply for the grant once, so we will either be accepted or denied. They have to deny people due to the fact that there is a large number of applications and not enough funds.

Please pray that our application will be selected. Every little bit of help we can get is huge! Right now, we still have quite a bit to go in having our adoption fully funded. Please also pray that the money will come. We know that this is the way we are supposed to expand our family. This would be a huge help. They give grants of all different amounts, but I think the highest is around $4,000.

The deadline that we are applying for is August 31st. We won't know for a few weeks after that. Please pray for a good letter!


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