Just to keep you all up to date, we are currently in the process of waiting for our social worker to contact us. We have submitted all our paperwork to them, and they should be reviewing it. As any mommy who is concerned about her baby would do, I contacted them and made sure they had received the papers. The office assured me that they had, and that they will be contacting us soon. The social workers are the ones who perform our home study. The home study is a key part to the adoption process. We can't submit our dossier (all our papers to Ethiopia) until we have been approved by our home study. We have been told the home study process can take up to a month. They interview us in their office twice (I think) and then they have to visit our home twice as well.

While we are waiting on the social workers, we have been very busy collecting all sorts of documents- Life insurance forms, birth certificates (Jeffrey's is still on its way! It is challenging to get an overseas birth certificate), marriage license, photos, letters, and lots more! We are actually doing quite well! We just need a few more documents and we will be to the point where we just wait to send it all after the home study. I know that I am going to really have to practice patience in this whole process. It is hard having to wait on others to do their work, and you can't do anything about it! BREATHE BREATHE BREATHE Even though I am not going to physically deliver a baby, I am beginning to think a Lamaze class wouldn't be a bad idea! I'M JUST JOKING, but seriously deep focused breathing might be good.

So this is where we are now. Waiting but still breathing.


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