National Adoption Month

Many people do not feel that adoption is right for their family for a variety of reasons. I do truly believe that adoption is not for everyone, but I believe helping orphans is something we can all be a part of.

Here are some practical ways you can help orphans (both domestically and internationally):

1. Help raise awareness. There are millions of orphans globally that need someone to speak upon their behalf. Speak about this issue. You don't need a huge platform; speak with friends and family.

2. Find an organization that helps orphans and volunteer your time or support them financially.  There are many great organizations out there!

3. Be understanding and encouraging. Although adoption may not be right for you, support your friends and family who feel called to this. It is scary and unpredictable. Listen to what they are telling you and understand that their children may have needs that your biological children do not.

4. Pray for the orphans around the world. Pray for the families that are in the process of adopting and those who have adopted. 


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