
Showing posts from June, 2015

Update in Ethiopia

Elections have definitely slowed things down on the adoption front. Many families are waiting for documents, waiting for approvals, and waiting for the court dates. Not a lot of movement has happened in the last month. MOWCYA (The Ministry of Women, Children and Youth Affairs) which is a big part of the adoption process in the Ethiopian government was shut down for almost two weeks due to no power, and now they have slowed down significantly due to new staff from the outcomes of the recent elections. PRAYER REQUEST: Please pray for diligence in the new team that they are building and that MOWCYA will be staffed with adoptive friendly people who will process papers efficiently. Please pray for Embassy clearances for families waiting to go home (It seems that as more families go home then they will start matching more children again) Please pray for both the US government and the Ethiopian government officials to see the importance of their jobs and become more efficient in proc

Beauty from Pain

Yes, I agree adoption is such a beautiful experience. Afterall, isn't our adoption into God's family the most self-less, beautiful, and incredible display of love that has ever existed. I have had so many people tell me how wonderful our story is, and as beautiful and wonderful it is and is going to be, we must not forget that all adoption comes from a place of loss. Although adoption has been our first plan for starting a family since the beginning, I have to realize that our adoption is not everyone's first choice. Adopting family- Many people start the adoption process due to the great grief and pain that comes from infertility. I have read countless numbers of adoption blogs where couples experienced many miscarriages and horrible tragedies of trying to start a biological family. Now, I want to word this carefully because I don't want adoption to sound like 2nd place, but for many people adoption stems from the loss of dreams and plans that a couple originally h