Since Jeffrey's birthday is on a Monday this year, we are celebrating it a little early. Tonight the two of us are going out and then tomorrow we are going to lunch with The Jones family and the Woodson family.

Even though this blog is mainly about the adoption, I feel it's okay to give the daddy some love =) If you know Jeffrey, you know he is a man who is very unique. Beyond his sense of fashion, Jeffrey stands out as a man who loves the Lord and loves people. I am so thankful he was born.

I am so thankful that baby Woodson has such an incredible daddy. He is helping this mommy through the rough waiting period, and he is so excited for the baby to come. Even though he isn't as vocal about it, I know that he is just as ready as I am.

I can't wait to celebrate many more birthdays with him. He is definitely a person worth celebrating! His life brings joy to so many others! I am proud to be his wife.



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