Jeffrey and I both took the day off work. I recently posted about the film STUCK, and how I really wanted to see it. Since we were unable to attend the STL showing, my mom bought us the film. She gave it to us today, and we just finished watching it.

Surprisingly, I didn't cry nearly as much as I thought I would. I think the film did an excellent job at showing how children get literally stuck in the adoption process and they are left in institutions for years when they have families in America desperately wanting them to be home.

Like many government policies and ideas, things sound much better on paperwork than they really end up being. Sadly, as paper work sits so do the children. Adoptions are taking longer than ever and are sadly decreasing due to all the regulations and finances. Jeffrey and I desperately want our friends and family members to see the need for children all over the world to have the right to a family. Many of the children who are being adopted internationally are not even looked at as humans in their countries due to disabilities, health impairments, diseases, etc. Many organizations and people believe that children should be adopted domestically to preserve culture, but when you are looking at third world countries the chances of children being adopted domestically are incredibly slim. 

Jeffrey said, "I thought it was very eye opening even to the stuff that we knew about adoption. The stories of other adoptions that I had no idea about of what really happens to those countries that close adoptions. To hear real people's stories about the situation was really touching. It encouraged me to pray that much harder for our adoption just because we have no control over what the Ethiopian government or our government will do, and so we must put it in the hands of someone who has total control."

I personally think I expected something a little different, but it was still very informative and shows a lot of parts to the adoption process that many people may be unaware of. There were some disturbing photos and some shocking statistics, but I think I was expecting even more. Not that you have to have these things to motivate people towards action, but because orphanages and institutions all over the world are usually not what anyone would want for their children, I thought they would shed more light on them. For some people I am sure it was very eye opening, but I think since I have been educating myself so much I was not surprised at all by what I saw. Like Jeffrey, the movie clearly made us think about our own adoption and the journey that is still ahead. We face so much of the unknown. 

The film takes you on a journey of several different families and children. It takes you to many different countries and shares both exciting and excruciating moments. I like how it touches on different aspects of adoption. It touches on cost, medical, wait, government, etc. I appreciated how they talked about children who have been institutionalized and their progress after adoption. I don't think many people are aware of the social, cognitive, and physical development issues that come from being institutionalized. I thought this was a very important issue to bring up. There were many other issues that were shown through this film, but I don't want to tell you everything because I really do want you to see it on your own.

We would like to share this film with our friends and family very soon. If you are interested in seeing the film, please let us know and we will be sure to invite you. Even if you are not considering international adoption, I ask you to consider watching this film and educating yourself. You can after all be a voice for the voiceless. Children all over the world need families, and you can help on their behalf. 

If you want to check out the organization that is showing this film and also asking for people to step up and sign a petition checkout


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